
The 5th Gobeshona Annual Conference for Research on Climate Change in Bangladesh will be held from 8-11 January 2019.This time Gobeshona Conference going to be an International Conference where we are inviting and expecting participants from around the world to come and share their experience and learn from Bangladesh.

[toggle title=”About The Conference” type=”close”]The 5th Gobeshona International Conference on Climate Knowledge in Bangladesh will be held from 8-11 January 2019. The brand of this conference is “Gobeshona5″. The whole conference is divided in 3 sections: (1) Youth Day (2) Science Conference and (3) Science Policy Dialogues. First, three days of the conference are allocated for the researchers to share their experiences on Climate Knowledge in Bangladesh. And the final day is the Science Policy Dialogue Day. This year we are expecting researchers to share their experiences and particularly emphasize their research outcomes on Climate Knowledge.

Learning and Sharing Experiences and Particularly Emphasizing Research Outcomes on Climate Knowledge in Bangladesh

Gobeshona is a knowledge sharing platform for climate change research on Bangladesh. The 5th Gobeshona International Conference is expecting local (Bangladesh) and international participants to come, learn and share their experiences and particularly emphasize their research outcomes.

Plenary and Parallel Sessions

All the plenary sessions of this conference will be on special national and international features – Disaster Management, Wetlands (Flood, River and Hoar), Loss and Damage, Natural Resource Management (NRM), Renewable Energy, Resilient Livelihood. The parallel sessions will highlight important thematic areas like Adaptation Technology, Cities, Coastal Zones, Ecosystem Resilience, Forest and Hills, Gender, Health and well Being, Migration Opportunities, Mitigation, Food Security and Modeling.

Science Policy Dialogues

The 5th day of Gobeshona conference is the science policy dialogue day. One of the world prominent climate scientist, Dr. Saleemul Huq is designing the sessions reflecting his extensive experience on global climate negotiations and mainstreaming climate change in the national policies and actions. So far, we have plenary sessions of Loss and Damage, BACS, IDRC and International Experience Sharing. After the science policy dialogue, the conference concluding session will follow. Each year foreign delegates join Gobeshona conferences to know how Bangladesh is adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change. There will be international keynote addresses, international presenters, LDC representatives and Bangladeshi climate change academics and experts living abroad as conference participants. Gobeshona is an excellent opportunity for networking with policymakers, government and non-government representatives, donor agencies, international organizations who gather to learn the latest research on climate change in Bangladesh.

Youth Engagement

The conference will facilitate exploration and engagement with youths’ perspective for their learning and benefit in order to help them effectively plan for their future climate related work. This conference will create a unique opportunity and environment for youths to learn network amongst each other as well as senior researchers while they create a sustainable learning and networking forum that keeps them engaged with the subject matter. In Gobeshona5 we will represent one youth on each panel for learning and sharing their knowledge on climate change in national and international. And also Gobeshona will be given the opportunities for the youth representatives for a 5-minute slot to make a statement.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Program Overview” type=”open”]
[btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Gobeshona-Programme-Overview07jan19-v2.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#dd8500″ txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Full Program[/btn] [btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Gobeshona5_Short_Programme_Overview_2019_jan_07v2.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#dd8500″ txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Short Program Overview[/btn][/toggle]

[btn btnlink=”http://gobeshona.net/gobeshona5″ btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#dd8500″ txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Click to Know more about Gobeshona5[/btn]

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