Catalytic Grant Programme

Background of the project: 

The Global South has witnessed a dynamic community of scholars and experts dedicated to climate change adaptation and resilience. The Gobeshona Conference is part of an annual cycle of important touch points for these communities to share their practices. These gatherings enable the community to convene regularly, establish fresh affiliations, and work together on innovative concepts. 

The Catalytic Grants Programme is a southern-based collaboration program that enhances locally led adaptation and resilience to climate change in the Global South region.  The Catalytic Grant Programme was launched during the Global Gobeshona Conference,2021 with the aim of providing support and fostering seamless connections between events like the Global Gobeshona Conference, Development Climate Days, London Climate Action Week, Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) and Conference of Parties (COP).  

The award aims to provide initial seed funding to encourage current and future collaborations and partnerships, with the goal of advancing ideas generated during the conference.  


  • Opportunities and incentive for cross-disciplinary capacity development and ideation. 
  • Strengthening global community of practice focusing on locally led adaptation and resilience. 
  •  Strengthen southern leadership in the community of practice. 
  •  Strengthening Knowledge exchange and collaboration in south-south and south-north regions, in advancing actions on resilience and adaptation. 


ICCCAD involvement in the project: 

The International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) stands as foremost capacity-building and research institution working on climate change and development from Bangladesh to worldwide. 

ICCCAD plays the intermediary role or the bridge between donors and grantees in this project.ICCCAD team shares guidance along with opportunities with grantees. This guidance is provided through monthly meetings and opportunities such as story-sharing platforms, paid blog writing, getting into other relevant programs like CRA, etc. Sometimes, for the grantees to scale up the team shares other grant opportunities. The ICCCAD teams offer help by facilitating access to reliable information from professionals in climate change adaptation, developing knowledge- sharing platforms, fostering collaborative learning, and bringing together innovative solutions to invest in resilience for development. 


This grant is implemented by ICCCAD in partnership with the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) and Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF). 

Timeline of the project: 

Each cohort team gets a year to implement their ideas on the ground. Monthly meetings are conducted with the teams to get their updates on the project and to guide them if they are facing any difficulties.  

ICCCAD’s Catalytic Grant Team

[one_third] Adiba Bintey Kamal
Project Focal, ICCCAD
email:[/one_third][one_third_last]Mahmud Ali
Financial Advisor, ICCCAD

Participant Information