Urban Climate Change Programme








ICCCAD Urban resilience programme is focused on addressing challenges arising due to the changing climate, unplanned and rapid urbanisation, and rural to urban migration from climate affected areas in Bangladesh.

Major research objectives of ICCCAD Urban programme:

  • To understand urban vulnerability and enhance urban resilience
  • To learn global climate change: the scientific and legal dimensions
  • To learn community-driven city-wide development
  • To enhance the capacities of stakeholders
  • Building network and partnerships at national and international level stakeholders
  • Building climate-resilient and migrant-friendly cities and towns

Team Members:
[one_fourth]Sarder Shafiqul Alam
Programme Coordinator [/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]Sumaiya Binte Anwar
Research Officer

Plan of Activities:

  • Conduct action research with urban development planners, academics and stakeholders
  • Develop a network to built urban resilience, maintain network and relationships among urban development stakeholder
  • Developing partnerships between local and national for generating knowledge
  • A short course of building capacity on urban climate resilience for relevant government and non-government stakeholders
  • Knowledge dissemination through workshops and conference on  urban resilience to climate change
  • Publish research findings published as journal articles, book chapters, working papers and policy briefs for up taking of knowledge for replication and formulating effective policies on sustainable urban development


Expected Outcomes:

  • Strengthen the capacity of policymakers, city officials, planners and other stakeholders
  • Engaged stakeholders in building urban resilience to climate change, mainly through enhancing their ability to build and strengthen relationships between stakeholders within their cities, and to develop networks with other cities in their country and internationally
  • The resilience of stakeholders and their cities. Stakeholders will be sufficiently aware and knowledgeable to generate support for these actions within their municipal or local government agencies and networks.


Recent activities:

  • ICCCAD is conducting a study on Climate Induced Migration in the coastal urban center of Mongla Port Municipality.
  • ICCCAD, Durham University UK and University of Witwatersrand, South Africa jointly have conducted a study titled “Livable Regional Cities in Bangladesh”.
  • ICCCAD Urban Climate Change teams have been organized and facilitated more than 150 Training Workshops on Climate Change Adaptation at National and Local levels.
  • ICCCAD has been organized and facilitated series of eight short courses on “Urban Climate Change Adaptation”, “Strengthening the Capacity of city officials for Urban Adaptation and Resilience”, “Developing Networks to Build Urban Climate Resilient”, “Developing Future Urban Leaders from Bangladeshi Cities & Municipalities” and “Building Climate Resilient Migrant-Friendly Cities”.
  •  ICCCAD has been organized a series of four Annual National Conferences on Urban Resilience to Climate Change from 2016 to 2019 in Bangladesh.
  • Conducted a study on Community Based Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Dhaka city which aim was to build the resilience capacity of women from slum communities to take the lead in action against the most pressing climate-related risks facing their communities.
  • Conducted research on “Improving multi-stakeholder collaboration in water and sanitation to contribute to urban climate resilience in Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Conducted a research in “Building climate resilience cities and towns in Nowapara Municipality in Bangladesh.”
  • Conducted research on “Supporting host city local government plans for growth and increased migration, including plans for housing, education and health facilities.”
  • Building a network /partnership with Government and NGOs, Bangladesh Urban Forum, Municipal Association of Bangladesh, Mayors, City Councilors, urban practitioners and research and academic institutions to build urban climate change resilience in Bangladesh and other countries in the world.
  • Published Working papers, Policy Briefs, Conference Proceedings, Training Hand-outs and Reports.



Previous Projects:

Climate Induced Migration IBP

Know more about this programme, please contact Sarder Shafiqul Alam (Coordinator, ICCCAD Urban Climate Change Programme)

Email: ratan.badla1@gmail.com, sarder.shafiqul@icccad.net

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