The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduce a holistic and integrated framework that spans across social, economic and environmental dimensions. While the 17 goals with 169 targets range from tackling poverty to creating meaningful global partnerships – which are all equally important issues – the goals need to be prioritized according to country-specific needs. Goal 13 is specifically assigned for climate change – “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,” climate change is a cross-cutting issue and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggests that the impacts of climate change can potentially affect all of the SDGs. This is particularly true in the context of Bangladesh – a country that has repeatedly been cited as one of the most climate-vulnerable nations. In Bangladesh, some of the changes induced by climate change include rise in the sea level, intensified natural disasters, degraded natural resources and displacement of its population. The aftermath of these impacts spread across most social, economic and environmental sectors making it intrinsically linked to the achievement of all the other SDGs. Illustrated below are some of the areas where climate change connects with the other SDGs in Bangladesh.
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