“Urban Adaptation to Climate Change”
2nd-8th April 2011: Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Terry Cannon (ICCCAD, IDS)
- David Dodman (IIED)
- Saleemul Huq (ICCCAD, IIED)
- David Satterthwaite (IIED)
Short Course Summary
This course was focused on urban planning, disaster risk and adaptation in the urban context. The course began with a short introduction to climate science and knowledge. Following this the impacts of climate change in an urban context were discussed further including links between rural and urban disasters. Urban governance on climate change was also discussed a great deal. In essence climate change adaptation was at the heart of discussions throughout the short course
A visit to the Dhaka project on day four enriched the classroom learning experiences of the participants. The participants then returned to the classroom for a another few days to devise respective work plans and take advantage of the facilitators advise on future activities