Climate Tribune | July 2022

Climate Tribune | July 2022

Articles in the series

  1. Effective adaptation for avoiding maladaptation” by Khandker Tarin Tahsin and Md Bodrud-Doza
  2. The mud houses of rural Shyamnagar battling climatic hazards” by Sumaiya Binte Anwar
  3. The need of the hour” by S M Saify Iqbal
  4. Progress and problems” by Roshni Islam
  5. How Padma bridge contributes in strengthening the resilience for the southwestern coastal community of Bangladesh” by Maliha Masfiqua Malek and Gausia Islam Keya
  6. The three ‘R’ challenges to disaster risk resilience in the coast” by Savio Rousseau Rozario and Maliha Masfiqua Malek
  7. Reproductive health management in the climate change affected areas in Bangladesh” by Nazneen Khan
Climate Tribune  | July 2022 | COVER PHOTO: UNSPLASH

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