International Centre for Climate Change and Development(ICCCAD) signs MOU with icddr,b

Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on 23 July 2017, the two centres will work to raise awareness on risks associated with climate change and gather and share relevant knowledge.

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Based in Bangladesh, ICCCAD aims to gain and distribute knowledge on climate change and specifically adaptation and thereby help people to adapt to climate change with a focus on the global South.

Commenting on the collaboration, Dr Saleemul Huq, Director of ICCCAD says, “Our collaborative research aims to find solutions to climate change and health problems facing Bangladesh.”

Dr Quamrun Nahar, Head of icddr,b’s Initiative for Climate Change and Acting Senior Director, Health Systems and Population Studies, says “Our strategic partnership with ICCCAD will open up a new horizon of collaborative research and put forward the health agenda in climate change discourse in Bangladesh which is currently missing.”

It leads the Gobeshona climate change knowledge platform, and organises Young Scientist’s capacity development programmes, Gobeshona Monthly Seminar, and also holds an annual international conference and bi-annual Community Based Adaptation forum.

The MoU signing ceremony was followed by a Gobeshona monthly seminar, held at the TRAction conference room (icddr,b), where researchers from icddr,b shared their experience on salinity and human health in the context of climate change with several well-reputed non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and think tanks.

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