Author: ICCCAD Webmaster

  • $50m climate fund in danger

    (Originally published here) Bangladesh is about to lose $50 million (about Tk400 crore) of climate funds because of tension between the World Bank and donors, and a lack of commitment on the government’s part. Even as the government is grappling to find funds for dealing with the climate change impacts, the donors have decided to…

  • Eco-systems help cope with climate change

    (Originally published here) Good management of natural resources such as forests and wetlands is particularly important for poor, vulnerable communities most at risk from the impacts of climate change such as increasing floods and droughts. They are reliant on the natural resources to earn a living and feed their families. Many eco-systems embodied in these…

  • CBA10 Youth Conference

    Apply To Attend the CBA10 Youth Conference 2016, Dhaka Deadline: 15 April 2016 Location: North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Date: 26-27 April, 2016 CBA10 Youth Conference is an event targeted to incorporate the ideas and innovations of youth in the policy recommendation on Community Based Climate Change Adaptation that would run parallel to the CBA10, an international conference…

  • Digital Bangladesh – Right to information and climate finance

    (Originally published here) As Bangladesh and the world enters post-2015 era with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and Sendai Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) – all meant to be achieved by 2030 – it is time to think out of the traditional ‘development box’ and do some…

  • Bangladesh will experience rise of temperature beyond the Paris agreement

    (Originally published here) On December 12, 2015, a historic agreement to combat climate change to achieve a low carbon, resilient, and sustainable world was signed by representatives of 195 nations in Paris. The purpose of this historic agreement is to reduce greenhouse emissions to limit increase in global average temperature within 2 degrees Celsius above…

  • An opportunity for LDC leadership

    (Originally published here) In Paris, the least developed country group was a key player in delivering this agreement — pushing relentlessly for a legally binding and effective agreement with universal participation, inclusion of the 1.5 degree target, loss and damage, and for the much-needed finance. Who will be the next executive secretary of the UN…

  • Rising Sea Level: Challenges ahead for Bangladesh

    (Originally published here)   Rising sea levels will definitely be the biggest threat for Bangladesh among all the external drivers related to climate change. Sea level rise affects the coastal zone of Bangladesh and its geometry in a number of ways including inundation, erosion and saline water intrusion into the water table. Climate change induced…

  • Using smarter stoves to combat household air pollution

    (Originally published here) When it comes to cooking indoors over open fires, the harmful health effects can be equal to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. This indoor air pollution plagues nearly nine out of every 10 Bangladeshi households, which use wood and other biofuels to cook inside. Over time, exposure to smoke from…

  • Disaster management in Bangladesh: Reducing vulnerabilities

    (Originally published here) Bangladesh experienced over 200 natural disasters since 1980, leaving a total death toll of approximately 200,000 people and causing economic loss worth nearly $17 billion. Every year, we incurred 1.8 percent of GDP loss due to natural disaster. It is estimated that 14 percent of our GDP is exposed to disasters. After…

  • Climate Resilience Must be a Global Priority

    (Originally published here) After tense negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change conference in Paris in December, the world finally has a deal that, although not perfect, for the first time allows us to be optimistic that we will decelerate the pace of climate change. For those of us who have been working towards this…

  • Bangladesh urges quick release of climate fund

    (Originally published here) A high official yesterday complained that the release of global climate fund (GCF) meant for supporting the adaptation projects in vulnerable countries remains slow, hindering the implementation activities. “It needs to be expedited. The approach should not be like a banker,” said Dr Nurul Quadir, joint secretary of the Ministry of Environment…

  • From Paris to Marrakech: The next stage of global climate change policymaking

    (Originally published here) The 21st Conference of Parties (COP21), which was successfully concluded in December 2015 with the adoption of the Paris Agreement, has set in train global actions by all countries to tackle climate change through both mitigation to reduce emission of greenhouse gases as well as adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate…