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Capacity Building day at COP25

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The third Capacity-Building day, a thematic day under the side event of second Capacity-Building Hub at the 25th Conference of Parties was held on 04 December 2019 in Madrid, Spain. The Capacity-Building Hub event had seven different thematic days, starting with the Capacity-Building Day. The aim of the daylong event was to highlight innovative solutions for climate-related capacity-building at different levels including the local, subnational, national and regional levels.

Capacity-Building is crucial for developing country as a condition for implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. The need to build capacity stands at the core of climate action. Articles 11, 12 and 13 of the Paris Agreement focuses on a new paradigm of Capacity-Building of transiting to a low emissions pathway and deal with the impacts of climate change. According to the guidelines of Article 11 of Paris Agreement, it is important to design long-term, country-driven and in-country capacity that responds to the needs and contexts of developing countries at the national, subnational and local levels.
The Paris Committee on Capacity-Building (PCCB) was formed in Marrakesh at COP 22 to oversee the Capacity-Building work under the Convention to identify gaps, needs and to ensure coherence and coordination between think tanks. The theme of the Committee’s work for this year is Capacity-Building initiatives for implementation of the NDCs.

Event Report | Capacity Building Day

Summary report | PCCB Network Consultation

Summary report | PCCB Network Consultation


The Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) set out in its 2019 Strategic Plan for Stakeholder Engagement, Communications, and Resource Mobilization the basis for establishing a Network to assist it in achieving its mandate. The PCCB Network is intended to become a leveraging platform to enhance coherence and coordination in capacity-building efforts under and outside the Convention, and foster the engagement of relevant stakeholders in such efforts.

Effective partnerships, active participation, and impact-oriented activities are expected to be the defining elements of the PCCB Network, and help keeping it relevant to the current and emerging capacity-building needs and gaps of countries and other actors. Launching a one-year pilot phase for the Network not only enables feedback mechanisms to better position the Network in a diverse landscape of actors and action, but also ensure a fit-for-purpose tool that will assist the PCCB in fulfilling its mandate.

By taking a stepwise approach to developing the Network, the PCCB can establish and manage the PCCB Network with input from stakeholders. The organization of a PCCB Network Consultation meeting during the 2nd Capacity-building Hub at COP25 reflects this approach. This 90-minute session provided a window of opportunity for the PCCB to discuss with representatives from a wide array of organizations the concept of the Network and potential pathways to move forward.

Information on the session was disseminated through the PCCB mailing list (i.e. all stakeholders engaged in the PCCB’s work so far, including PCCB meeting observers), the PCCB Facebook page, and
through on-site promotion at COP25. After a brief presentation of the concept, participants were asked to provide inputs on different aspects of the Network. The remainder of this report presents a summary of the organization of the session, main topics of discussions, and outcomes of the consultation. For more information and details, the PCCB can be contacted at this email.

Download Summary report | PCCB Network Consultation

Summary report | The 2nd Capacity-building Hub

Summary report | The 2nd Capacity-building Hub

Hosted by the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, and with the support of the UN Climate Change Secretariat, the 2nd Capacity-building Hub took place over the course of seven thematic days, on December 4-11 at COP25, in Madrid. This summary provides a brief overview on the following aspects of the 2nd Capacity-building Hub: event statistics, a focus on the thematic days, recurring topics during discussions, and feedback received from organizers and participants in their evaluation of the 2nd Capacity-building Hub.

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Event Report | Capacity Building Day Summary report | PCCB Network Consultation Summary Report | The 2nd Capacity-building Hub
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