Climate Tribune | June 2021

List of Articles

  1. Datinakhali village battles climate crisis– Sumaiya Binte Anwar
  2. Impacts of cyclones on women and girls and the way forwardAfsara Binte Mirza and Adeeba Nuraina Risha
  3. How climate change exacerbates sanitation problems in the rural areasAdnan Qader
  4. Regional cities: A space for planned urban development in Bangladesh– Istiakh Ahmed
  5. Cyclone prediction and preparedness by coastal communities in Bangladesh– Savio Rousseau Rozario and Mahmuda Akter
  6. When photography commodifies povertyM Feisal Rahman, Danielle Falzon and Md Nadiruzzaman
  7. Democratization and other needs in climate finance for adaptation capacity Mahmuda Akter and Samina Islam
  8. Cyclone Yaas: A double blow to livelihood in the coastal areasFaizah Jaheen Ahmed
  9. Local adaptation techniques bringing small effective changesTabia Tasnim Anika
  10. Driven away by stormMd Tahseen Ahmed
  11. Cyclone Sidr: The picture of devastation in numbersMd Mahatab Uddin

Climate Tribune  | June 2021

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