Supporting the establishment of the National Mechanism on Loss & Damage in Bangladesh

Enhancing climate resilience through a multi-actor partnership protect.

Climate change-related loss and damage (L&D) is already a lived reality for people around the world, threatening their fundamental human rights and trapping them in poverty. Poor and vulnerable communities, who are least responsible for climate change, are already bearing the brunt of its impacts. Comprehensive mechanisms are urgently needed to help them recover from extreme events, build new livelihoods, and proactively respond to slow-onset processes. At the national level, Bangladesh is planning to establish such a comprehensive National Mechanism on Loss and Damage through a two-year pilot project. From 2023 to 2026, ADAMS, ICCCAD and Germanwatch are jointly implementing a multi-actor partnership project to “Support the establishment of the National Mechanism on Loss & Damage in Bangladesh”. In this project flyer you’ll find information about the project background, objectives, activities and project partners.

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Contact Person:


S M Saify Iqbal
Program Coordinator at ICCCAD[/one_third][one_third][/one_third][one_third_last]

Prof Saleemul Huq
Director of ICCCAD[/one_third_last]
