Mr. Khan is an environmental lawyer working to promote environmental and climate justice. He has been working for the last 15 years on legal and policy issues related to the environment, natural resource management and climate change. Mr. Khan is a climate negotiator and has been working as a Core Team Member of LDCs negotiators group on Loss and Damage since 2011. He is leading the Centre for Climate Justice-Bangladesh (CCJ-B) as Executive Director. He is also working with International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) with its loss ad damage team.
He is teaching Environmental Law at North South University and Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) as adjunct faculty. One of his recent relevant publications include, The Warsaw International Mechanism: Exploring the Structures and Functions to Address Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change Impacts, Kheng-LianKoh, IlanKelman, Robert Kibugi, & Rose-Liza Eisma Osorio (Eds), Adaptation to Climate Change: ASEAN and Comparative Experiences, World Scientific, 2015.