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Olivia Dyer

Visiting Researcher


Olivia Dyer is a Biology graduate currently pursuing an MSc in Environmental Technology at Imperial College London. She has a broad range of environmental, scientific, and social research interests. For example, in 2016 she interned at the integrative research department of The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. 

Furthermore, Olivia has a history of conservation volunteering and project management in the UK. She has collaborated with Ecological Departments of British county councils, the National Trust, and Community Action (British charities and NGOs). 

Her latest achievement is arriving in Dhaka to undertake her thesis, with the current working title: “Defining vulnerability to climate displacement: Bangladesh as a case study for global environmental injustice”. Her research is motivated by her passion for universal equality and sustainable, equitable development. In her spare time Olivia enjoys photography, cinematography, playing guitar, and writing poetry.