Tag: Dhaka Tribune

  • Bangladesh Academy for Climate Services launched

    The academy will be hosted at the Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB) The Bangladesh Academy for Climate Services (BACS) has been launched. Environmental experts launched BACS at the conference room of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) in Dhaka on Sunday. Speaking at the event, Director of International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) Dr…

  • CBA conference in Uganda shows the way

      Photo:Abu Siddique At CBA11 in Uganda, there were a number of participants from Bangladesh including from BRAC, Transparency International Bangladesh, and Practical Action The series of international conferences on community based adaptation (CBA) was started in Bangladesh over a decade ago with the first few conferences held in Bangladesh and then they started being held…

  • The world’s newest development bank won’t fund coal

    The world’s newest development bank won’t fund coal

    Bangladesh should take note The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB,) the world’s newest development bank, held its Annual Meeting in South Korea earlier this week and agreed on a new energy strategy. Leadership at the bank also issued statements noting they would not be investing in coal. AIIB’s Vice President Thierry de Longuemar also confirmed…

  • Dr. Saleemul Huq’s Interview with Dhaka Tribune

    Dr. Saleemul Huq, Director, ICCCAD spoke to the fastest growing English daily in Bangladesh, Dhaka Tribune about the status of climate change research in Bangladesh, the reasons behind it and the way forward. The conversation was focused on the Gobeshona platform and the upcoming Gobeshona conference. The full interview can be accessed in the link provided…