Tag: Mitigation

  • If finance is not agreed, nothing is agreed

    Where do we stand after COP26 and where to go?

        World leaders, delegates from the nation countries recently gathered in the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) hosted in partnership between the UK and Italy in November 2021 in Glasgow to agree on a path forward for tackling global warming. Parties debated over the issues on net zero-emission, Loss and Damage, Mitigation and Adaptation,…

  • Tackling climate change

    Tackling climate change

    Now that the challenge of tackling global climate change has been universally accepted by all countries and people (with the notable exception of Mr Trump and his cronies in the White House and Federal US government) through the Paris Agreement, it is important for all countries, companies, NGOs, universities and other relevant stakeholders to share…

  • UN energy envoy urges investors to consider 1.5C warming limit

    (Originally published here) Investors should consider how an aspirational 1.5C limit on global warming affects their portfolios, a top UN envoy said on Monday. Shareholders are already pressing fossil fuel majors to recognise the risk greenhouse gas emissions curbs could dampen demand for their products. To date, most analysis has focused on a 2C threshold. Rachel Kyte, CEO…

  • Solar-Powered Pumps Reduce Irrigation Costs in Bangladesh

    (Article originally posted here)   Each solar pump can supply electricity for 3 crop irrigations for 20 acres of land.   World Bank STORY HIGHLIGHTS Around 45 percent of Bangladesh’s work force is employed in agriculture, which represents an important sector in the country’s economy. Farmers use irrigation pumps to ensure adequate and consistent water…

  • The case for mitigation

    (This article was originially published on The Daily Star here) In my previous column I had argued that while adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change should be the priority of Bangladesh when it comes to shorter term action domestically, mitigation mattered much more in the longer term at the global level as a 4…

  • Africa moves ahead to tackle climate change

    (This article was originally published on IIED.org, available here). As last month’s fourth conference on Climate Change and Development showed, Africa will need strong leaders such as Fatima Denton – who will deliver IIED’s 2014 Barbara Ward Lecture on Thursday – to tackle the issues of climate change.   The fourth conference on Climate Change…