Tag: The Daily Star

  • From donors to partners

    From donors to partners Our relationship with developed countries needs to change so that we can become an active partner from a passive recipient of aid In my column last week, I wrote about the prospects of Bangladesh graduating from Least Developed Country (LDC) status in the next few years and the need to anticipate…

  • Trump’s flip-flop on climate change

    While he was still running to become President, Trump Tweeted that climate change was a Chinese hoax. Then after he was elected there was speculation that he might change his mind. This became especially acute when his daughter Ivanka held a high profile meeting with former Vice President Al Gore in which Trump also dropped…

  • Equity, justice, fairness and climate change

    The principles of equity, justice and fairness are fundamental to understanding and addressing the challenges of global climate change. This is because the problem has been caused by the emissions of the rich countries for several centuries but will primarily impact the poorest people and poorest countries. Hence, when countries came together to discuss and…

  • Bangladesh’s aspirations for green growth

    The journey is not an easy one but we can get there if the people, and the public and private sectors work together. The global develop- ment discourse is constantly evolving over time. Sometimes we use different terms to mean the same thing. The buzzwords “green growth” and “green development” are two such interchangeable terms…

  • The many faces of adaptation

    I recently took a group of international young researchers from a number of countries on a field visit from Dhaka to the south coast around Khulna to demonstrate to them how Bangladeshis have adapted over the centuries and more recent decades to changes in the ecosystems in which the people live. However, it came to…

  • Lessons from the South

    Lessons from the South

    I have just returned from Kampala, Uganda, where I attended the 11th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation (CBA11), where around 300 participants from over fifty countries came together for a week of discussions and knowledge-sharing on how the most vulnerable communities around the world are already taking action to tackle climate change at the…

  • Tackling climate change

    Tackling climate change

    Now that the challenge of tackling global climate change has been universally accepted by all countries and people (with the notable exception of Mr Trump and his cronies in the White House and Federal US government) through the Paris Agreement, it is important for all countries, companies, NGOs, universities and other relevant stakeholders to share…

  • Trump will make the US face loss and damage claims

    Trump will make the US face loss and damage claims

    Since the announce-ment by President Trump that the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change, he has been facing a whirlwind of push backs and rejection by all the 195 countries who are parties to the Paris Agreement (only Syria and Nicaragua did not sign it), and it looks like the…

  • The case for mitigation

    (This article was originially published on The Daily Star here) In my previous column I had argued that while adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change should be the priority of Bangladesh when it comes to shorter term action domestically, mitigation mattered much more in the longer term at the global level as a 4…