Urban Resilience programme








ICCCAD Urban programme addresses the issues of rapid urbanisation and the needs of migrants moving from climate change affected areas in Bangladesh to its cities.

Major research objectives of ICCCAD Urban programme:

  • To understand urban vulnerability
  • To deconstruct Global Climate Change; its scientific and legal dimensions
  • To investigate the potential of community – driven city-wide development
  • To enhance local governance, urban governance and resilience mechanisms
  • Building a network of stakeholders and partnerships at national and international levels

Plan of Activities:

  • Conduct action research with urban development planners, academics and other stakeholders
  • Develop and maintain a network for building urban resilience, and foster relationships among urban development stakeholders
  • Develop partnerships between local and national stakeholders for collaborative knowledge generation
  • Conduct short courses to build capacity on urban climate resilience for relevant government and non-government stakeholders
  • Disseminate urban resilience knowledge through workshops and conferences
  • Publish research findings in the form of journal articles, book chapters, working papers, policy briefs, etc.  for wider knowledge dissemination, replication and developing effective policies on sustainable urban development    

Expected Outcomes:

  • Strengthened capacity of policy makers, city officials, planners and other stakeholders
  • Engaged stakeholders in building resilience in urban areas, particularly as a result of enhancing their ability to build and strengthen relationships between stakeholders within their cities, and to develop networks with other cities in their country and internationally
  • Enhanced resilience of stakeholders and their cities, which will have sufficient awareness levels and knowledge to generate support for planned actions within their municipal or local government agencies and networks

Recent activities:

  • Community-based Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience (link project brief)
  • Organized Training Workshop on Urban Climate Change for Urban Practitioners in Dhaka
  • Organized the First Annual National Conference on Urban Resilience in Dhaka, Bangladesh (link proceedings of the conference)
  • Study on improving multi-stakeholders collaboration in water and sanitation to contribute to urban climate resilience in Bangladesh (link publication of the article)
  • Study on Building Climate Resilience to Noapara Town A Coastal Urban Centre of Bangladesh  (link publication of the working paper)
  • Research and documentation of Asian Cities Climate Change Resilient Network (ACCCRN): Building resilience to urban centres of Bangladesh
  • Building a network of practitioners and institutions to build urban climate change resilience in Bangladesh (link the page how to become a member of ACCCRN).