Call for Application under Climate Resilience Academy for LDCs (CRAL)

Climate Resilience Academy for LDCs (CRAL) Community Responses for Climate Resilience in a Post-COVID19 World

The International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) in collaboration with the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) has initiated the Climate Resilience Academy for LDCs (CRAL). CRAL aims to be a long-term initiative entailing a series of annual academies that will bring together trans-disciplinary cohorts of academics, scientists, practitioners, thought leaders and policy makers with the aim to combine diverse forms of knowledge and generate useful insights towards identifying solution pathways for the most pressing Southern resilience challenges.

The purpose of the academy is to amplify, coordinate and learn from expertise in the Global South, particularly in LDCs, and help bring the highly unequal playing field between the Global North and South to an equal level.

The key objectives of the academy are:

  • To mobilize collaborative and trans-disciplinary teams of academics, thought leaders and non- academics from LDCs
  • To develop South–South knowledge exchange and collaboration on climate change, resilience and sustainable development and potential knowledge transfer from South to North
  • To build cutting edge collaboration schemes across the Southern regions, to work together towards solving the most intractable Southern-based challenges to climate change resilience

CRAL would kick off with a pilot academy on ‘Community responses for Climate Resilience in a Post-COVID19 World’ with the aim to generate knowledge products and advocacy materials for promoting and strengthening action on grassroots-led community resilience in response to the dual crisis of COVID19 and climate change.

The Academy will work across four essential thematic areas:

  • Resilient rural-urban food supply chains
  • Ensuring migrant security
  • Empowering women and youth leaders
  • Grassroots-led knowledge brokering


☛ Application process: Send application using this link
Application Deadline: 15th January, 2021
For any queries, please email us at


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