Category: skip slider
Catalytic Grant Programme -COP27
Catalytic Grant Programme Towards Enhancing Locally-led Adaptation and Resilience Practices The Catalytic Grant Programme was inaugurated at the Global Gobeshona Conference in 2021 to assist and create continuity between events such as Global Gobeshona Conference, Development Climate days, London climate action week, Community based adaptation (CBA) Conference and Conference of Parties (COPs). These conference gatherings…
Call for Application under Climate Resilience Academy for South Asia (CRAL)- Phase 2
The International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) will continue the Climate Resilience Academy for South Asia (CRAL 2) with the umbrella theme of ‘Loss and Damage’. The aim is to generate knowledge products, evidence and advocacy materials for promoting and strengthening action on tackling the adverse effects…
Catalytic Grant Programme
ICCCAD, together with Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) and Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), launched the Catalytic grants programme last year at the Gobeshona Global Conference-01. This year the programme is launching phase-02 of this grant at the Gobeshona Global Conference-02 to foster the continuity between relevant conferences and mobilize collaborative and trans-disciplinary teams of academics and non-academics from Global South. This initiative aims…
Saleemul Huq ranks 4th among global climate change Influencers
He is an expert on climate change in the most vulnerable developing countries and has written several papers on the matter International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) Director Prof Saleemul Huq has been ranked 4th among the top 20 climate change influencers in the world. The rankings were published in a recent report…
Early Career Climate Change Research Support Program
Training and Mentorship Coursework Background To promote the quality of research among the young Bangladeshi researchers and guide them to publish their findings in quality journals. 12 months long training course through workshops and mentorship for 20 individuals. Aims to strengthen the quality of Bangladesh specific climate change research being produced by young researchers…
Bangladesh Delta Plan – Youth Action Track
The Bangladesh Delta Plan – Youth Action Track A call for youth to become leaders in Adaptive Delta Management The International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) in collaboration with The Royal Netherlands Embassy Bangladesh and Wageningen University and Research has initiated a joint Knowledge & Capacity Building Collaborative Programme Bangladesh Delta Plan –…
Seeking Field Enumerators
International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), a research and capacity-building organization is seeking 30 field enumerators (15 male & 15 Female) for Data collection in six different slums located at Dhaka and Mongla under “Towards Trajectories of Inclusion: making infrastructure work” project. Total working days will be around 70 in period of 4…
Small Grants Programme
SMALL GRANTS INITIATIVE Establishing Southern-based Collaborations within and across Regions-Towards Enhancing Locally-led Adaptation and Resilience TO CREATE GREATER SUSTAINED COLLABORATION AMONG SOUTHERN-BASED GROUPS OF ACADEMICS AND PRACTITIONERS THROUGH TARGETED INVESTMENTS AND GRANTS TO PROMOTE LOCALLY-LED ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE. [one_third][btn btnlink=”” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#ff6900″ txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Download Flyer[/btn][/one_third][one_third][btn btnlink=”” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#ff6900″ txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Concept Note[/btn][/one_third][one_third_last][btn btnlink=”” btnsize=”medium”…
Call for Application under Climate Resilience Academy for LDCs (CRAL)
Climate Resilience Academy for LDCs (CRAL) Community Responses for Climate Resilience in a Post-COVID19 World The International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) in collaboration with the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) has initiated the Climate Resilience Academy for LDCs (CRAL). CRAL aims to be a long-term initiative entailing a series of annual academies that…