Tag: Climate Change

  • Bridging Climate Action and Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduce a holistic and integrated framework that spans across social, economic and environmental dimensions. While the 17 goals with 169 targets range from tackling poverty to creating meaningful global partnerships – which are all equally important issues – the goals need to be prioritized according to country-specific needs. Goal 13…

  • International Centre for Climate Change and Development(ICCCAD) signs MOU with icddr,b

    International Centre for Climate Change and Development(ICCCAD) signs MOU with icddr,b Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on 23 July 2017, the two centres will work to raise awareness on risks associated with climate change and gather and share relevant knowledge. [clear][layerslider id=”9″] [clear] Based in Bangladesh, ICCCAD aims to gain and distribute knowledge…

  • G20 becomes G19 on climate change

    The G20 meeting of leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies ended a few days ago in Hamburg, Germany with a strong statement of commitment for implementing the Paris Agreement on Climate Change by 19 of the leaders, with the exception of President Trump who has decided to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement.…

  • Tackling climate change

    Tackling climate change

    Now that the challenge of tackling global climate change has been universally accepted by all countries and people (with the notable exception of Mr Trump and his cronies in the White House and Federal US government) through the Paris Agreement, it is important for all countries, companies, NGOs, universities and other relevant stakeholders to share…

  • The world’s newest development bank won’t fund coal

    The world’s newest development bank won’t fund coal

    Bangladesh should take note The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB,) the world’s newest development bank, held its Annual Meeting in South Korea earlier this week and agreed on a new energy strategy. Leadership at the bank also issued statements noting they would not be investing in coal. AIIB’s Vice President Thierry de Longuemar also confirmed…

  • Trump will make the US face loss and damage claims

    Trump will make the US face loss and damage claims

    Since the announce-ment by President Trump that the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change, he has been facing a whirlwind of push backs and rejection by all the 195 countries who are parties to the Paris Agreement (only Syria and Nicaragua did not sign it), and it looks like the…

  • How Bangladesh can achieve SDG 13 and climate change goals

    How Bangladesh can achieve SDG 13 and climate change goals

    At the turn of the century, under the United Nations, all countries agreed to try to achieve a set of ten Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. Bangladesh was relatively successful at achieving most of them. Since then, all countries have negotiated and agreed upon a set of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be…

  • Backtracking on the Paris Agreement

    Backtracking on the Paris Agreement

    The US withdrawal might not be such a bad thing after all During his campaign for the US presidency, Donald Trump had said that he believed that human induced climate change was a Chinese hoax, and promised that he would “tear up” the Paris Agreement if he became president. Since taking office, he has put…

  • Are the haor floods caused by climate change?

    Are the haor floods caused by climate change?

    The haor basin in the northeastern part of Bangladesh is currently experiencing severe flash floods, causing considerable hardship to people, and destroying crops and other infrastructure. Some people are asking if this flood can be attributed to human-induced climate change. Firstly, it is important to distinguish weather events (like rains, cyclones and floods, etc.) from…

  • Time to go back to the drawing board

    Time to go back to the drawing board

    ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE Apart of the historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change, agreed in 2015, was the pledge by developed countries to provide a minimum of USD 100 billion a year from 2020 onwards, to assist developing countries tackle climate change through both mitigation and adaptation. They also created a new funding body called…

  • An open letter from Bangladesh to the American people

    With Trump turning his back on climate change, the US can turn to Bangladesh to adapt: Dear friends in the United States of America, I am a researcher in Bangladesh working on adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change, especially on the poorest and most vulnerable countries and communities. In light of the recent…

  • Getting climate finance to where it is needed most

    Over the last decade, developed countries have contributed tens of billions of US dollars in climate finance to developing countries to support both mitigation actions (to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change), as well as adaptation (to tackle the adverse impacts of climate change). Most of the funding has gone to support…