Tag: Climate Change

  • As the climate changes, will Bangladesh change too?

    As the climate changes, Bangladesh is also changing. This is most obvious in terms of biophysical changes — stronger hurricanes, harder rainfall and more salinity — but it is also affecting the government’s budget, institutional systems, and the way it manages its finances. The question is as climate change accelerates, can Bangladesh change fast enough?…

  • Unleashing the power of the private sector

    Over the next two to three decades, there are two major overarching trends that Bangladesh will have to deal with, and therefore have to plan for as well. The first trend is a positive one, which is our desire, and indeed commitment, to graduating out of Least Developed Country (LDC) status within less than a…

  • Achieving a global adaptation goal for climate change

    One of the important aspects of the historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change achieved at the 21st conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2015 was the inclusion of a global goal for adaptation. This was mirrored on the previously agreed global goal for mitigation, which was…

  • The conference for a climate-resilient Bangladesh #Gobeshona3

    Day 1: Research into Use Inaugural Session of Gobeshona3 Great start to 4-day #Gobeshona3 conference on #climatechange in #Bangladesh with @SaleemulHuq @Gobeshona @ICCCAD pic.twitter.com/ahZZ700ntM — Dr. Farhana Sultana (@Farhana_H2O) 8 January 2017 Inaugural session of the Gobeshona Annual conference on Climate change 2017. #gobeshona3 @SaleemulHuq @ICCCAD @MakameMahmud3 @cnazmul78 pic.twitter.com/olkmz8CUXE — Tasfiq Mahmood (@MahmoodTasfiq) 8 January…

  • Making a solution out of a problem

    Bangladesh has just hosted a big international conference on migration as the co-chair, with Germany, of the Global Forum on Migration and Development. While the focus of the Conference was mostly on the current problems related to international migration there was some discussion of the possible impacts of climate change on migration in the future.…

  • Role of parliamentarians in tackling climate change

    I have just been to Geneva, Switzerland where I was invited to speak at the General Assembly of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) on the role of parliamentarians in tackling climate change. The IPU is the oldest and biggest union of parliamentarians from all the world’s parliaments and its current President is Bangladeshi parliamentarian Saber…

  • Adapting to climate change: Lessons from Colombo

    Earlier this month, the fifth Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum was held in Colombo, Sir Lanka. This year’s theme was “Adapting and Living below 2C.” This is because the UN climate treaty — the Paris Agreement, which goes into force next week — set a upper temperature limit of 2C warming above pre-industrial temperatures.…

  • Paris Agreement On Climate Change

    Approaching the 55/55 threshold The original article was published as Paris Agreement On Climate Change at Daily Star, an Op-Ed by Dr. Saleemul Huq. The historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change that was agreed at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris, France…

  • Fifteen years of climate change adaptation planning: What have we learned so far

    The original article was published as POLITICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE at Daily Star, an Op-Ed by Dr. Saleemul Huq. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), at its 7th Conference of Parties (COP7) held in Marrakech, Morocco in 2001, adaptation to climate change was recognised for the first time through the mandate…

  • Climate change induced loss and damage in Pakistan:

    An investigation of Impacts on Society and the Economy

    This paper aims to raise awareness about Loss and Damage (L&D) and ignite conversation about how Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Loss & Damage (L&D) can be linked in order to ensure more sustainable strategies for building resilience in Pakistan. [btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Pakistan-LD-Policy-Brief-July-2016.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#3f9e0c” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]The Full Policy Brief Available…

  • Impact of climate change on Least Developed Countries: are the SDGs possible?

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will define the priorities of the UN’s development agenda beyond 2015. But the reality of climate change impacts will render these aspirational goals almost impossibly challenging for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) unless the current level of ambition in development and climate action is urgently increased. This briefing summarises our…

  • 2016: A new beginning for the world and Bangladesh

    (Originally published here) The year 2015 that has just ended has been a landmark year for both the development as well as climate change discourse at the global level as three major agreements were reached under the United Nations. The first was the Sendai agreement on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) that was achieved in March…