Tag: COP21

  • The Climate Vulnerable Forum Has Come of Age

    (Originally published on The Daily Star here) The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) just held its high officials’ meeting in Manila under the chairmanship of the government of the Philippines where they prepared the Manila Paris Declaration to be formally adopted at a heads of government meeting of the CVF countries in Paris on November 30.…

  • The Road to Paris: how can the world’s most vulnerable countries be heard?

    (Originally posted on the IIED website here) With a month to go until the start of COP21, Saleemul Huq provides an insight into the perspectives of the Least Developed Countries ahead of the Paris climate talks, as part of a new series of video interviews for IIED.   Least Developed Countries must use their “strength…

  • The Paris Agreement on Climate Change – What can we expect?

    (This article originally published here) Earlier this month in Bonn, Germany, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held its last round of talks to prepare the text for the Climate Change Summit to be held in December in Paris, France to finalise a new Paris Agreement at the 21st Conference of Parties…

  • The 2015 Paris Climate Summit: Dilemma and Direction

    (Article originally published here) Having attended all twenty conferences of parties (COPs) of the UN’s climate body over the years and now planning to be in Paris for the twenty-first in December, I am feeling ambivalent about the entire enterprise. Everything I hear about in the build-up seems to be a mixture of good news and…

  • The next phase in the global battle

    (Article originally published on The Daily Star here) The recent award of Champion of the Earth conferred upon Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is a fitting recognition of her personal achievements, as well as that of the government and people of Bangladesh, in being a pioneer among nations in…

  • What would a Paris climate deal mean for the fossil fuel industry?

    (This article was originally published here) How is the fossil fuel industry responding to growing pressure to address future emissions in the run-up to the Paris summit?   It is just under four months until COP21 gets underway in Paris, and momentum for a deal is building. Consequently, business attention should be starting to evolve…

  • Using the power of judiciary to protect people from climate change

    (This article has been originally published here) Governments must no longer depend on or wait for global policies to act upon climate change. They have a legal duty of care to protect the citizens and international human rights The Hague District Court, in a recent historic landmark decision, decided that the Dutch government is knowingly…

  • Agenda for adaptation solutions

    (This article was originally published here) The Government of France is going to host the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris from November 30 to December 11, where it is expected that a new climate change agreement will be signed. It is hoped that the…

  • Degrees of Salvation

    (This article has originally been published at Dhaka Tribune and can be accessed here) You can already hear the sounds of the goalposts shifting. As the 21st conference of parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) looms, some countries and groups are managing expectations. Levels of ambition, funding, and the…

  • Exclusion of ‘loss and damage’ would make Paris deal useless

    (This article has been originally published on rtcc.org, available here) The UN’s climate body has kicked off its year of intensive work with a meeting this week in Geneva. The process will culminate in Paris in December, where world leaders hope to sign off a new agreement that will deal with all elements of global…