Tag: June 2014

  • Youth: Building the Model Village

    After seven hours of road travel, including a ferry trip on the Padma water route, I arrived in Khulna, the second port city of Bangladesh. This was my second visit to Khulna. I first came here six years back and then the city was quite bustling, but now it looks gorgeous and is easy to…

  • The Second National Conference on Community Based Adaptation (CBA) to Climate Change

    Bangladesh has established itself as a leader in both CBA research and practice. The country now hosts a national CBA conference every two years, in support of the international CBA conference that has been occurring annually since 2006. In 2012, Bangladesh organized the first National conference on CBA where more than 8 INGOs and many…

  • The Eighth International Conference on CBA, Kathmandu

    Community-based adaptation (CBA) empowers communities to take action to address climate change based on their own decision-making processes, priorities, knowledge and needs. This is particularly important in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and across Asia, where vulnerability to climate change impacts is high. Although CBA is an emerging area, many efforts are being made to…

  • Learning from the Field

    We were walking deep within a maze of narrow, muddy pathways that separated the simple homes of the Bola slum in Dhaka. The structures around us were created of sheets of tin, held together with bamboo sticks and rope that somehow managed to rise up into two-story buildings. Open sewage drains ran between the houses,…

  • Alice Baillat’s Reflections

    Working on my PhD research in France, I have been at ICCCAD since April 2013 as a Visiting Researcher. I am currently in Bangladesh conducting 4-months of fieldwork, as I am working on climate migration in Bangladesh, with a focus on the discursive practices surrounding this growing issue and its related political implications. According to…