Category: VR blog

  • Climate Chronicles of the Manta Community: Life on the river, battling the water woes

    Climate Chronicles of the Manta Community: Life on the river, battling the water woes

    “We are born on this boat [and] we live on the boat. This is our home … without our boat wewould have no means to eat. If we did not have our boats, we would just die.[i]– Member of the Manta Community“ The impacts of climate change have internally displaced more than 30 million people…

  • The case for a values-based understanding of loss and damage

    The case for a values-based understanding of loss and damage

      The loss and damage conversation largely centres around the economics of climate impacts. Losses and damages which are difficult to value on a monetary scale are termed ‘non-economic losses and damages’, often left out of the equation, and often misunderstood. Moreover, there is a limited appreciation of the connections between what is deemed economic…

  • Centring human rights, choice and agency in forced climate displacement policy design in Bangladesh

    [quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] Rural to urban climate-linked displacement is increasing worldwide, stretching urban slum capacity Conditions in Dhaka’s temporary settlements in the slums are inhuman, with poor access to basic services In the short term, investment is needed to make conditions liveable in the slums In the long term, a robust protection framework that centres…

  • Local Climate Adapters network

    LOCAL CLIMATE ADAPTORS: As of July 2021, the world has already entered the era of human-induced climate change, which is causing adverse impacts around the world in both poor as well as rich countries.  Tragically, many people are losing their lives and livelihoods from these extreme events, which include heat waves, wildfires, floods, cyclones and…

  • Turning Challenge into Opportunity: The Upcoming Bangladeshi Climate Migration Crisis

    Last month, I had the chance to stay in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. I could clearly witness the demographic boom happening in an already land and resource scarce overpopulated city. Having worked there for a local research centre, the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), and having experienced local living conditions, I…

  • ENACTS Climate Data Initiative Officially Launches in Bangladesh

    The Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society have launched a new data service that provides national users short-term climate and weather forecast information for decision making. The Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) initiative helps countries overcome significant gaps in their historical climate records by an innovative combination of…

  • Researching Bangladesh’s Nationally Determined Contribution

    Rebecca Eldon one of our Visiting Researchers shares her story. Researching Bangladesh’s Nationally Determined Contribution Since my first visit to Bangladesh, the country has stood out to me as one of the most unique places in the world. There is incredible beauty, seen both in the population’s love for art and culture, and in the…

  • Students Play Central Role in First Columbia World Project

    “I will never forget those voices and those faces sitting in front of me,” Sarah Johnson, a student at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), said over coffee at a campus café recently, as she described a meeting she had with a group of elderly rice farmers in the Charlands of western Bangladesh this past…

  • Exploring the association of mortality and weather in rural Bangladesh

    Sarah Moody one of our Visiting Researchers shares her story. In 2017 I began a bachelors of science in Global Health at Imperial College London, this was my first academic venture into the wider determinants of health.  At Imperial I was introduced to the impacts of climate change on health in some initial lectures.  These sparked my…

  • Understanding the Demands for Climate Services of Coastal Farming Communities of Bangladesh

    Saleh Ahmed one of our Visiting Researchers shares his Experience. Understanding the Demands for Climate Services in Coastal Farming Communities of Bangladesh By-Saleh Ahmed Anomalies in weather and climate patterns are increasingly evident in many parts of the world, and the people of Bangladesh are experiencing those first hand. While the entire country is exposed to…

  • Seeking Justice for the Slum Dwellers of Dhaka

    Robert Irven one of our Visiting Researchers shares his story. Seeking Justice for the Slum Dwellers of Dhaka When I first decided to pursue topics of environmental migration, climate justice and urbanization in Dhaka, Bangladesh for my Masters of International Development at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, I had no idea how much such an endeavor would…

  • The Urban Challenge: What Makes Transformative Adaptation Difficult in Dhaka?

    Ashali Bhandari one of our Visiting Researchers shares her story. The Urban Challenge: What Makes Transformative Adaptation Difficult in Dhaka? The monsoon season in South Asia elicits a variety of emotions: children rejoice as the summer heat is disrupted by the cool drops of rain and farmers anxiously await the return of the crop after a…