Tag: Reflections

  • Ethics as negotiated and emergent in a study of liveability in small cities

    This Reflections Article published on SENTIO JOURNAL, Issue 2: Theory and Practice in Research Ethics [btn btnlink=”https://sentiojournal.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Sentio_Issue_2_complete.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#23840B” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Article Link[/btn] Authors: Alexandra Halligey, Istikh Ahmed, M Feisal Rahman, Hanna A Ruszczyk and Sumaiya Binte Selim Sudha   Example fallback content: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view…

  • Reflections on ICCCAD: Samira Siddique

    Unlike the alarmist mainstream media coverage of climate change, ICCCAD research looks at climate change and development practically. We don’t think of those affected by extreme floods and rising sea levels as climate change “victims,” but as climate change “warriors.” Alongside the empowerment this change of wording gives to those affected, we acknowledge that there…

  • Clare Stott’s Reflections

    I visited Bangladesh for ten weeks in the spring, joining the team at ICCCAD as a visiting researcher and volunteer for CBA 07, whilst completing my masters research. My overall experience was fruitful and rewarding, though it held many challenges throughout. My masters research examines the impact of global climate change knowledge for local climate…

  • Toby Sytsma’s Reflections

    My time at ICCCAD has been short, but very rewarding. I came here as a visiting researcher working on a project for my master’s degree thesis, and while I was only in Dhaka two months I will be leaving feeling as if I have accomplished all the goals I set for myself while being here.…