Tag: Report

  • Humanitarian Impacts of Climate Change in Bangladesh

    This study assesses the humanitarian impacts of climate change by identifying vulnerabilities and challenges faced by local communities. The study includes local perspectives, gained through community engagement, ensuring active participation in assessing climate-related impacts. [btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Bangladesh-Report_Humanitarian-Impacts-of-the-Climate-Crisis_compressed-1.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#3f9e0c” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]The Full Report Available Here [PDF][/btn]   Example fallback content: This browser does not support…

  • Operationalizing the Loss and Damage Fund: Learning from the Intended Beneficiaries

    Operationalizing the Loss and Damage Fund: Learning from the Intended Beneficiaries

    The 27th UN climate conference (COP27) reached a key milestone in launching a brand-new loss and damage (L&D) fund and was a critical moment for addressing climate justice issues. This agreement took place after decades of consecutive and effectual advocacy from small island states, least developed countries and civil society in the Global South. The…

  • Tracking community perspectives on climate resilience in Bangladesh

    Tracking community perspectives on climate resilience in Bangladesh

    Over the last few decades, it has been recognised that adaptation approaches are more likely to succeed if they are rooted in local knowledge and empower communities to make their own decisions. However, research conducted by GTS and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in 2021 shows that the fine aspirations found in…

  • Stories Of Resilience: Lessons From Local Adaptation Practice

    Stories Of Resilience: Lessons From Local Adaptation Practice

    The stories in this compilation, based on the sessions of the 2022 Gobeshona Conference on Locally Led Adaptation, are an important basis for us to understand the difference between local action and locally led action, and to identify effective ways of supporting local leadership. The publication is based on case-studies from the 2nd annual  gobeshona global conference,…

  • Zero Hunger – Zero Emissions Project findings

    Report on ICCCAD’s Learning Hub Event (LHE) about “Zero Hunger – Zero Emissions Project findings” held in August 2018. [btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/LHE_ZHZE_13_09_2018.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#23840B” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Download[/btn] Example fallback content: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF. [btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/LHE_ZHZE_13_09_2018.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#23840B” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Download[/btn]