Tag: Bangladesh

  • Learning from the Field

    We were walking deep within a maze of narrow, muddy pathways that separated the simple homes of the Bola slum in Dhaka. The structures around us were created of sheets of tin, held together with bamboo sticks and rope that somehow managed to rise up into two-story buildings. Open sewage drains ran between the houses,…

  • Gobeshona – Joining the Dots in Bangladesh

    Gobeshona is a new initiative being instigated by ICCCAD. It is being established in acknowledgement that much research about climate change in Bangladesh has and is being conducted both nationally and internationally. Resulting publications, however, remain widely dispersed and often unused and little acknowledged. As such, Gobeshona seeks to bring together the wide reaching research…

  • Alice Baillat at the Resilience Academy 2013

    I had the chance to attend the first Resilience Academy the BRAC CDM centre in Savar and it was an unforgettable experience. All the participants came from different places in the world, with different backgrounds, different experiences and different approaches of what resilience means in the context of climate change. This diversity made the group very vibrant…

  • ICCCAD, recognised as a global leader on Loss & Damage

    ICCCAD, recognised as a global leader on Loss & Damage

    For the past year and a half ICCCAD has been facilitating a process to enhance understanding of loss and damage in Bangladesh and how to address it as part of the Loss and Damage in Vulnerable Countries Initiative, which is being implemented globally with our partners Germanwatch, the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative and United Nations…