Home Programmes Loss and Damage ICCCAD, recognised as a global leader on Loss & Damage

ICCCAD, recognised as a global leader on Loss & Damage

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For the past year and a half ICCCAD has been facilitating a process to enhance understanding of loss and damage in Bangladesh and how to address it as part of the Loss and Damage in Vulnerable Countries Initiative, which is being implemented globally with our partners Germanwatch, the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative and United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. As part of the Bangladesh component of the global project, research was undertaken on a number issues related to assessing and addressing loss and damage. Some of the research findings include how insurance tools can be designed, so that they are more accessible to those who need them as well how social safety net programs could be planned to better benefit the poorest and most vulnerable. In addition, a proposal for how to integrate climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction policies and programs was developed. Concurrently to the research, a stakeholder engagement process was undertaken consisting of four stakeholder workshops, attendance at national, regional and international meeting and relationship building with key policymakers. The result is that Bangladesh is now armed with greater understanding of what loss and damage is and how to assess and address it. Accordingly, Bangladesh is poised to initiate a process to develop a national mechanism to address loss and damage.

In addition, ICCCAD has become known as a leader on the issue of loss and damage and in this capacity is spearheading the Asia Pacific Forum on Loss and Damage recently established at the Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum in Incheon, Korea. The forum will be hosted on the website of the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network, where it will promote collaboration and cooperation on loss and damage within the region. In the future, it is hoped that regional workshops will be held throughout the region to share ongoing initiatives.

Completing the first phase of our project has also allowed us to reflect on the research findings as well as lessons learned from the process itself. To share these insights, we have compiled a guidance document for policymakers wishing to embark on a similar national process on loss ad damage. Like the research papers, it will shortly be published on the Forum website.

ICCCAD is continuing its work on loss and damage in Bangladesh while hoping to help other countries initiate similar processes based on the lessons learned from the process in Bangladesh. On June 12th, a workshop will be held in Bonn during the UNFCCC negotiations to disseminate the findings of our research as well as the lessons learned to interested Parties. On November 1st, ICCCAD will host a workshop at the Bellagio Centre in Lake Cuomo Italy with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation to facilitate a discussion on how to incorporate loss and damage into a new agreement under the UNFCCC to be finalized by 2015.

The months ahead will be busy and we are looking forward to continuing to work with old and new partners on our existing project activities as well as new ones.

By: Anna Hasemann, Visiting Researcher, ICCCAD June Newsletter 2013
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