Enhanced direct access: Costly in the short term but worth it in the end

Climate Tribune | December 2020

List of Articles

  1. Climate finance in Bangladesh: A critical review by Sirazoom Munira, Saleemul Huq, and Mizan R Khan 
  2. Enhanced direct access under the Green Climate Fund can be an effective vehicle for Locally-led adaptation by Mizan R Khan and Saleemul Huq
  3. Protecting people from losing their homes and assets due to climatic hazards should be a top priority for the government when it comes to financing climate action by Prodip Kumar Roy
  4. Importance of monitoring and evaluation in accessing climate finance by Istiak Ibne Rouf
  5. Unlocking the potential of microfinance for facilitating climate change adaptation at the local level by Tasfia Tasnim and Riadadh Hossain
  6. Financing climate change induced loss and damage in Bangladesh-The scope for public-private partnerships by Riadadh Hossain and Saleemul Huq
  7. Covid crisis echoes the need for improved access, mobilization and utilization of financial resources to tackle the climate crisis and biodiversity loss by Soburun Nessa Chowdhury and Farah Anzum 
  8. The need to invest in small-scale climatic disturbances by Sakib Rahman Siddique Shuvo and Adiba Bintey Kamal 
  9. Effective coastal embankment management needs collaborative actions from government, local people, and local leaders by Md Zahidul Islam 

Climate Tribune | December 2020

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