Home Blog Call for Applications: 2015 Resilience Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Call for Applications: 2015 Resilience Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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The Resilience Academy 2015 in Bangladesh and the Resilience Academy 2016 in Germany will produce, combine and share knowledge about enhancing livelihood resilience to minimize loss and damage.

“Enhancing Resilience to minimize Loss and Damage – Providing Knowledge for the UNFCCC”
Loss and damage is an emerging topic in climate change negotiations, research, policy and implementation of climate change action, and is expected to grow in importance after the establishment of the “Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts” in December 2013. Loss and damage refers to impacts of climate-related stressors that have not been or cannot be avoided through mitigation and adaptation efforts. Loss and damage can result from sudden-onset events as well as slow-onset processes, and includes economic as well as non-economic losses and damages.

Who is invited and what are we aiming for
The Academy aims at a balance of participants from different parts of the world and with different thematic backgrounds. The Academy will bring together a group of young professionals, including academic scholars, and practitioners. Different perspectives are important to foster a common understanding.

Dates and venues
Bangladesh: Near Dhaka, 6th to 12th September 2015
Germany: Near Munich, 4th to 10th September 2016

Accommodation, local transport and meals will be organized and funded by the hosts. Upon request a limited budget for supporting further travel costs will be available.

About the hosts
The Resilience Academy is organized by United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and the Munich Re Foundation (MRF).

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