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Reflections on ICCCAD

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My name is Dr. Shadrack M. Kithiia from Kenya. I am currently a senior Lecturer at the University of Nairobi in the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies. My duties are teaching and supervision of both undergraduate and graduate studies. My area of specialization is water resources management and climate change. In 2012, I attended a ten (10) days training workshop in Dhaka Bangladesh where I learned more on climate change adaptation and resilience in a changing world. While in Bangladesh we visited some of the vulnerable communities and learned more on the resilience mechanisms and climate change adaptation strategies these communities are using. I was impressed by the way people are aware of the dangers of climate change and knowledge that climate change is real and not a myth.

Since I returned from the training in ICCAAD, I have been actively involved in the development of training courses in the department as well as teaching and supervising graduate studies. We have so far developed a course on the impacts of climate change on sustainable urban development which is already being offered. I am also a member of the departmental committee on climate change and adaptation issues where we try as much as possible to disseminate information to students and to the entire society on the dangers of climate change and what we need to do to avoid disastrous events associated with climate change.

I must thank Dr. Saleem for his efforts and zeal to disseminate information on climate change impacts on a global scale. I like his dedication to this end. I would like to join hands where possible in helping Dr. Saleem on his endeavor.

Written by: Dr. Shadrak Kithiia, Senior Lecturer at University of Nairobi

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