Cyclone Amphan

42 second read

Climate Tribune | May 2021

List of Articles

  1. “Where getting drinkable water is an everyday struggle” by Md Ridwan Bin Alam Diganta and Mahmuda Akter
  2. “Destruction by Cyclone Amphan continues to haunt its survivors after one year” by Rafiqul Islam Montu
  3. “The long-term effects of Cyclone Amphan on the west coast of Bangladesh” by Rafiqul Islam Montu
  4. “When a deadly cyclone is followed by a global pandemic” by Arusa Iqbal Rahim
  5. “Sobur fights a losing battle” by MD Nadiruzzaman
  6. “How people are learning disaster preparedness through a traditional folk art” by Mahmuda Akter and Faizah Jaheen Ahmed
  7. “Disaster induced water crisis in Gabura” by Adnan Qader and Tahmida Sarker Muna
  8. “Managing Cyclones in Bangladesh: A success story but no room for being complacent” by M Feisal Rahman and Gawher Nayeem Wahra
  9. “Rethinking development” by Sirazoom Munira

Climate Tribune  | May 2021
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