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Shakil Ahmed

Visiting Researcher

Shakil Ahmed

Dr. Shakil is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the East West University and highly experienced in teaching, research, and consultancy in the area of civil and environmental engineering. He earned his PhD in Civil Engineering (concentration in Environmental Engg.) from West Virginia University, USA in 2018. He obtained MSc in Environmental Engineering and BSc in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Dr. Shakil possesses profound knowledge and experience in water quality and ecological modeling, similitude and scaling of stream water quality, water and wastewater treatment, greenhouse gas emission modeling for climate change impact assessment, low cost water treatment, land-use change impact on water quality, and noise modeling. He is an expert in large-scale stream water quality modeling including robust modeling of stream water quality across the East Coast of U.S.A. for prestigious (CAREER) research project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). Dr. Shakil is experienced in design and development of academic courses for Outcome-based Education (OBE). Previously he has worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Islamic University of Technology (IUT) from January, 2014 to January, 2019. Furthermore, he worked as an Assistant Professor (adjunct) in the Department of EWCE at Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST) in 2019. He has worked in numerous national projects including noise level modeling for the proposed 26 km Dhaka Elevated Expressway (DEE) Project as a part of the EIA being carried out by BRTC, BUET. Dr. Shakil is a reviewer of the Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).