Home Programmes Urban Climate Change Programme Community-based Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience

Community-based Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience


Client: AWAAS SEWA Private Limited, India

Time Duration: January 01, 2017 to December 31, 2017


The project has the following objectives:

  • To review the existing research and knowledge base from an Urban Resilience and Urban Governance perspective
  • To map the overall climate concerns and various adaptation models that are being adopted
  • To carry out an initial feasibility and needs assessment study
  • To facilitate the liaising of AWAAS with local government, researchers and NGOs (working with women’s micro-finance groups), as well as technical partners (working on Climate Change, Water Management and/or Housing issues in slums) in Dhaka;
  • To facilitate the processes of cross learning between communities in India and Bangladesh including the testing of AWAAS’s urban resilience approach and toolkits in Dhaka through local civil society partners;
  • To create a policy brief on Community-led Urban Climate Resilience

Brief Description on GRP Project

The project aims to build the capacity of women from slum communities to take a leading role in action against the most pressing climate-related risks facing their communities: heat waves, flooding, water scarcity; and water and vector borne diseases. Through the improved availability of real-time micro data, the project teams will equip the urban poor with the tools and the know-how they need to undertake vulnerability and risk assessments and to implement their own resilience plans.

The project is implemented in 7 South-Asian cities in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Dhaka city is one of the project sites. In Dhaka, ICCCAD at IUB has been sub-contracted by AWAAS SEWA Private Limited, India, to carry out the project. ICCCAD has planned to implement the project with the local NGO Nari Maitree that has experience in working with women in urban slums. The collaboration with Nari Maitree will enable a cross learning and sharing experience. The project activities will include a literature review, collection of field data and information and the organization of training workshops. The field activity will be implemented in the selected local NGO working area.



  • Initial feasibility and needs assessment report
  • Draft policy brief on overall climate concerns and various adaptation models in Bangladesh
  • Testing of two resilience toolkits (community capacity building on climate change; vulnerability assessment and resilience planning)
  • Wider consultation process for inputs on policy brief
  • Final policy brief

Contact Person

Sarder Shafiqul Alam
Coordinator, Urban Climate Change Programme and
International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Mobile no: +8801711840441

Email: ratan.badla1@gmail.com