Tag: Adaptation Finance
If finance is not agreed, nothing is agreed
Where do we stand after COP26 and where to go?World leaders, delegates from the nation countries recently gathered in the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) hosted in partnership between the UK and Italy in November 2021 in Glasgow to agree on a path forward for tackling global warming. Parties debated over the issues on net zero-emission, Loss and Damage, Mitigation and Adaptation, Finance, Transparency…
If finance is not agreed, nothing is agreed
Where do we stand after COP26 and where to go?
World leaders, delegates from the nation countries recently gathered in the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) hosted in partnership between the UK and Italy in November 2021 in Glasgow to agree on a path forward for tackling global warming. Parties debated over the issues on net zero-emission, Loss and Damage, Mitigation and Adaptation,…
‘Adaptation swap can be an effective instrument if designed well’
Leading climate policy expert Mizan R Khan talks about the G7 summit and its relations to climate change action This year’s G7 summit is scheduled to begin tomorrow, where the leaders of the G7 countries will meet to discuss important policies. Climate change will be among the topics these economic superpower will discuss and take…
Adaptation finance at the conflux of climate crisis, Covid-19 and debt distress
Covid-19 has hit all countries of the world, both rich and poor, but the low income countries (LICs) are hit hardest, and half of them are at high risk of or are already in debt distress. Although in April this year, the G20 Finance Ministers endorsed a Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) to grant temporary…
Twenty-five years of adaptation finance through a climate justice lens
This article is part of a Special Issue, “Climate Finance Justice: International Perspectives on Climate Policy, Social Justice, and Capital,” edited by Lauren Gifford and Chris Knudson Abstract How much finance should be provided to support climate change adaptation and by whom? How should it be allocated, and on what basis? Over the years, various…
Mainstreaming and Decentralizing Climate Change Adaptation Finance
We already live in a climate changed world. Such is the conclusion reached by the IPCC AR4 and the latest findings of Working Group I of the AR5. The impacts are manifest already in different parts of the world in varying degrees of sea level rise and greater frequency and severity of climate disasters. The…