Tag: Conference of Parties

  • Understanding the game of COP

    Understanding the game of COP

    Almost everyone who keeps an eye on climate change policy at the global level is by now familiar with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its annual Conference of Parties (COP), which are held every November or December and on a different continent each year. This year’s COP28 will be hosted…

  • Answering the Talanoa Dialogue questions

    At the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held last December under the presidency of the prime minister of Fiji, a new feature called the Talanoa Dialogue was introduced. Talanoa Dialogue is a traditional form of decision-making in the Pacific which is very different from the…

  • Is UN climate change body still fit for purpose?

    (This article was originally published on Dhaka Tribune, available here) Going into the Lima talks, there was a great sense of optimism buoyed by the successful climate change summit held by the UN secretary general in September and with the many hundreds of thousands of marchers in New York and many other cities around the world. This was…