Tag: Policy Brief
A Roadmap for Nature-based Solutions in Bangladesh: Promises and Challenges
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are receiving international attention for helping us to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, whilst protecting biodiversity and supporting sustainable development. As such, NbS provide a way to enable economic development without ecosystem loss or damage. Bangladesh has a long history of implementing NbS but has faced challenges due…
Ensuring Livelihood Security for Climate Vulnerable Communities in Coastal Bangladesh
Impacts of climate change severely affect the livelihood security of the communities in the south-west coastal region of Bangladesh. An action research conducted in two selected villages of Khulna in 2018 shed light on specific local vulnerabilities to livelihood, its consequences on local communities and limitations of current coping strategies in the view of a…
Loss and Damage in the Paris Agreement’s Transparency Framework
The 2015 Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) introduces a ‘transparency framework’, to promote accountability in the implementation of the Agreement. A set of “modalities, procedures and guidelines”, agreed upon in 2018, sketch how to put the transparency framework into practical operation. These “modalities, procedures and guidelines” include a…
Introduction to The Circular Economy
There is today a wide scientific consensus on the existence of global warming, driven by the increased Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions (due to historic human activities) and concentration in the atmosphere. The latest IPCC 1.5°C Special report, released a couple of weeks ago in October 2018, made a clear statement that the world need to…
Mobilizing Knowledge To Enhance Adaptive Capacity
For over a decade, researchers and policymakers have considered enhancing “adaptive capacity” to be a linchpin of successful adaptation to climate change. In 2015, at the 21st Conference of Parties in Paris, the international community formally asserted the importance of increasing the ability of individuals and groups to adapt to long-term changes in the climate,…
Building Climate-Resilient, Migrant-Friendly Cities and Towns
Bangladesh has been experiencing a rapid growth in urban population during last four decades. However, this growth follows an imbalanced spatial distribution, mostly directed towards Dhaka city. As of 2011, almost 44% of the country’s urban population lived in Dhaka resulting in excessive pressure on its housing, transportation, infrastructure, and basic services (GED, 2015). This…
The Role of Universities in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Education and research are explicitly recognized in a number of the SDGs and universities have a direct role in addressing these. However, the contribution of universities to the SDGs is much broader, as they can support the implementation of every one of the SDGs as well as the implementation of the SDG framework itself. Some…
The role of universities in capacity building under the Paris agreement
Although the challenge of climate change is universal, the ability to effectively mitigate climate change and cope with its effects is not. Many of the world’s developing countries have seriously limited capacities to plan and implement adequate climate policies and actions, and these countries “cannot mitigate or adapt to climate change without first having the…