Tag: sea level rise

  • From Fires to Floods to Sea Level Rise, Human-Induced Climate Crisis Is Severely Disrupting Earth

    We continue to discuss the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, which details the damage of climate change already underway around the world and warns that much worse is yet to come unless governments drastically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The report tallies the losses from human-induced climate change “in an absolutely scientifically verifiable…

  • NPO Start Documentary on Sea Level Rise

    Documentary on the two densely populated deltas Bangladesh and Jakarta experience the effects of rising sea levels on a daily basis. This documentary broadcast-ed on NPO Start (free video-on-demand service of the Dutch Public Broadcasting) Click this Link to watch this documentary.

  • Sea level rising by 6-20mm each year

    (This article originally published here) Government should install at least 10 high precision automatic tidal gauge stations along the coast Bangladesh has been experiencing sea-level rise by 6-20mm per year in three different coastal regions, a new study prepared after analysing 30 years’ data on tidal water states.   The study named “Assessment of Sea…