Climate Finance course for Helvetas in Zurich , Switzerland March 5 to 10
Climate Finance course for Helvetas in Zurich

Climate Finance course for Helvetas in Zurich , Switzerland March 5 to 10
ICCCAD organizing the Second Regional Climate Finance Course in partnership with International Institute on Environment and Development (IIED) and Action on Climate Today (ACT) and UNDP’s Bangkok Regional Hub, with the support of UK Aid, and the Government of Sweden. This course is aimed at government officials from developing countries, especially from ministries of finance and planning, as well as representatives …
Closing Session on 6th Annual ICCCAD-IIED Short Course on Urban Climate Change [layerslider id=”7″] 6th Annual ICCCAD-IIED Short Course on Urban Climate Change successfully finished on June 8,2017, with lots of local Govt. officials participant . About the Course Course Theme: Developing Future Urban Leaders from Municipalities in Bangladesh The course will focus on Approaches to inclusive and sustainable …
We were walking deep within a maze of narrow, muddy pathways that separated the simple homes of the Bola slum in Dhaka. The structures around us were created of sheets of tin, held together with bamboo sticks and rope that somehow managed to rise up into two-story buildings. Open sewage drains ran between the houses, along which women crouched to …
The first ICCCAD course held in Dhaka, November 2009, opened a window to the climate change adaptation arena for me. At that time, as a Research Fellow of United Nations University, I worked on agrodiversity projects that looked at on-the-ground realities to develop identify alternative ways of enhancing the coping capacity of rural communities and developing policy that impacts the …
Saleemul Huq devoted his life’s work to advocating the world’s most climate-vulnerable communities