Tag: Vulnerability
VULNERABILITY INDEX | More than a number: Why addressing loss and damage must go beyond a vulnerability index?
The most salient signal of progress from COP27 was the decision to establish a new fund and funding arrangements for loss and damage, something sought by climate-vulnerable countries over 30 years ago. While the terms of how this fund will work have yet to be resolved this year at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates,…
From vulnerability to resilience to prosperity
Transforming the narrative of tackling climate change
The development gains and hard-earned productivity of Bangladesh are at risk of being inverted if the 1.5 degree Celsius limit of the Paris Agreement is breached. To that end, it remains imperative to equip vulnerable communities, key sectors and the government with vital instruments to bring about resilience and stability for all. At the end…
DAY – 2 : The First Annual National Conference on Urban Resilience 2016
The second day of the First Annual National Conference on Urban Resilience started of with the third plenary session on Participatory Vulnerability Assessment organized by ICCCAD-IUB. The session’s keynote speaker Mr. Terry Cannon of Institute of Development Studies, UK covered an interesting topic on participatory vulnerability assessment where Mr. Cannon challenged the term Resilience in…