Tag: World Environment Day

  • Nature-based Solutions: An Opportunity to Rethink Development Pathway in Bangladesh

    [quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog is part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. It is an insightful collection of discussion which encompasses the debate between nature and development. Furthermore, it dwells on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as a holistic approach to tackle environmental and societal challenges as well as opportunities for Bangladesh in…

  • Dealing with the triple emergency

    [quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This article was initially published on Daily Star on June 3rd, 2020, it has been republished as part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. This article reiterates the importance of preserving the natural system especially the Sundarbans as the mangrove forest has once again during cyclone Amphan played a…

  • Reconstructing the Deconstructed: A Remarriage of Economics and Nature

    [quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog is part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. It is a  brief story of the relationship between economics and nature in historical perspective – how modern economics evolved from the laws of nature, then severed its relationship largely under neoclassical economics and how it is being repaired…

  • Protecting the planet and people: National-International dimensions and Local perspectives of conserving biodiversity

    [quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog is part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. It briefs on the legal frameworks undertaken for conserving biodiversity since the 1990s along with the crucial relationship between Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In addition, it also sheds light on biodiversity from…