You are cordially welcome to watch the recording of the webinar on Capacity Building to Address Climate Change in the LDCs, held on 10 August 2020 here:

The event took place on the Date: Monday, 10 August 2020 

Time: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Bangladesh Time, UTC+6  

Organized by: International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) 

The importance of capacity building to address climate change cannot be overstated. Globally, about 70% of the developing country NDCs and 83% of the LDC NDCs submitted to the UNFCCC put capacity building as a condition to implement them. This need for capacity building support overwhelms other kinds of international assistance including for climate finance. Capacity building as a non-politicised agenda under the politically charged UNFCCC process is coming up as a very important issue. The purpose of the webinar was to have a frank dialogue with the LDC partners to explore the broad capacity needs and gaps to address climate change more effectively. The event followed a brief presentation on capacity building, followed with a panel discussion where designated discussants focussed on the importance of the long term capacity building needs for different stakeholders in the LDCs as well as how this can be achieved.



  • Prof. Saleemul Huq, Director, ICCCAD 

Keynote Presenter: 

  • Prof. Mizan R Khan, Deputy Director, ICCCAD 


  • Dr David Mfitumukiza, Senior Lecturer Makerere University, Uganda
  • Ms Tracy C Kajumba, Principal Researcher, IIED, UK 
  • Dr Luis Artur, Dean, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique 
  • Dr Rosta Mate, Senior Lecturer, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique 
  • Dr Om Katel, Dean-Research, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan

Guest Speakers: 

  • Prof Sanjay Khanal, Professor, School of Environmental Science and Management, Pokhara University 
  • Dr Noor Ahmad Akhundzadah, Dean, Faculty of Environment, Kabul University, Afghanistan 
  • Dr Sidat Yaffa, Dean, School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of The Gambia, The Gambia 


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