Webinar Recording: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to enhance ecosystem services in the Hail Haor Wetlands, Bangladesh

This webinar took place on 16 September 2020 (via zoom). Watch the recording here:



Event Date: 16 September 2020

Jointly organized by

 International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and Center For Natural Resource Studies (CNRS) .

CNRS and ICCCAD organized the first webinar under the “NbS Bangladesh Network” webinar series on “Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to enhance ecosystem services in the Hail Haor Wetlands, Bangladesh”. The presenters and the panelists shared the story of Hail Haor and the implementation of multiple nature-based solutions packages that contributed to support improving the social-ecological production systems of Haor and user communities. Through the interactive open discussion and feedback session, participants highlighted their views on integrating the research findings into the policies.


Dr. Saleemul Huq, Director, ICCCAD

Keynote presenter:

Dr. Mokhlesur Rahman, Executive Director, CNRS


  • Dr. Ali Muhammad Omar Faruque, Deputy Director (Agriculture, Water and Environment), Department of Bangladesh Haor and Wetlands Development
  • Md Rayhan Shiddique, Deputy Project Director (Infrastructure), Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (HFMLIP), LGED
  • Md. Emdadul Hoque, District Fisheries Officer, Moulavibazar, Department of Fisherie


[btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Webinar01_NbS_Hail_Haor_16Sep2020_Report.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#00a50d” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″] Download the webinar report [/btn]

Please follow our twitter handle @NbSBangladesh for more updates and to share knowledge and inform practice on Nature-based Solutions to development challenges in Bangladesh.

For any further queries regarding NbS programme at ICCCAD, please write to Tasfia Tasnim at tasfia.tasnim@icccad.org