Category: Blog
Four lessons from the UK-Bangladesh Climate Partnership Forum – and four actions needed by policy-makers
The highway to zero carbon is marked by high profile milestones, strung out like market towns on the Grand Trunk Road. COP26 in Glasgow is one such. But lying between the market towns are the lay-bys and wayside inns where people meet, conversations are held, networks are formed, and deals are struck. They are intrinsic…
Locally led adaption to climate change: the start of a 10-year learning journey
In early 2021, a fast-growing group of experts will meet in Gobeshona to define a 10-year learning agenda to advance principles for critical locally led adaption to climate change. Saleemul Huq and Clare Shakya explain the importance of this group and the journey ahead. Collectively, the world has failed to respond to the triple crises…
Transforming the Future: Supercharging Action at the UN Food Systems Summit
In a time of many seemingly insurmountable challenges, there is something that we can fix. One thing, which if changed could simultaneously accelerate the end of hunger, ensure everyone has access to a healthy diet, dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reverse biodiversity loss, and make societies and economies more equitable and resistant to devastating pandemics…
Over the past few years, as Black Lives Matter has grown into the global movement that it is today, there has been an increasing focus on what it means for white people to be allies; to demand racial justice alongside people of colour. The powerful words of Martin Luther King Jr., who had a lot to…
How Research Collaboration by UK and Bangladesh can pave the path to Tackling Climate Change
[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog talks about the importance of climate research and collaboration amongst the UK and Bangladesh. It highlights some of the important conversation and ideas put forth at the roundtable discussion hosted by ICCCAD and LSE titled “Tackling Climate Emergency through UK-Bangladesh Collaboration on Research”. The blog reflects on the key discussions…
Addressing inequalities in the time of COVID-19: collaborations we need to create a new normal where no one is left behind
[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog talks about how unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 have given rise to inequalities among grassroot communities that are responding against the pandemic and fighting the battle on their own. It also highlights on how to create a now normal collectively without leaving anyone behind by taking into account the reflection points…
Tales of local resilience on the frontlines of COVID and climate change
Migrant workers and slumdwellers have received little official help during the pandemic, but are finding their own ways to cope As the months pass from the start of the COVID19 pandemic, the world is on a rapid learning curve about what, and who, really matters. In developed countries, there has been a recognition that often…
Nature-based Solutions: An Opportunity to Rethink Development Pathway in Bangladesh
[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog is part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. It is an insightful collection of discussion which encompasses the debate between nature and development. Furthermore, it dwells on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as a holistic approach to tackle environmental and societal challenges as well as opportunities for Bangladesh in…
Dealing with the triple emergency
[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This article was initially published on Daily Star on June 3rd, 2020, it has been republished as part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. This article reiterates the importance of preserving the natural system especially the Sundarbans as the mangrove forest has once again during cyclone Amphan played a…
Reconstructing the Deconstructed: A Remarriage of Economics and Nature
[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog is part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. It is a brief story of the relationship between economics and nature in historical perspective – how modern economics evolved from the laws of nature, then severed its relationship largely under neoclassical economics and how it is being repaired…
Protecting the planet and people: National-International dimensions and Local perspectives of conserving biodiversity
[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”] This blog is part of ICCCAD Blog Series for World Environment Day 2020. It briefs on the legal frameworks undertaken for conserving biodiversity since the 1990s along with the crucial relationship between Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In addition, it also sheds light on biodiversity from…