Climate Justice

48 second read

Climate Tribune | November 2021

Climate Tribune’s November issue is on the crucial subject of “Climate Justice”. The editorial reflects how climate change is an ethical and political issue rather than one that is purely environmental or physical in nature.

Articles in the series

  1. Climate change actions must be gender sensitive to address the existing inequality in the society (INTERVIEW WITH ACTIONAID BANGLADESH COUNTRY DIRECTOR FARAH KABIR) by Magnus Mayeen Ahmed
  2. Do debt-burdens from climate finance fuel climate injustice? by Towrin Zaman Raya
  3. What is climate justice and can social innovation help? by Rukhsar Sultana
  4. Unpacking the principles of just transition in climate change by Afsara Mirza
  5. Non-economic loss and damage is the forgotten piece in climate change solution by Nusrat Naushin
  6. Climate negotiations and climate justice: The politics behind by Farzana Shams Riya and Samina Islam
  7. What does climate justice mean to the communities on the ground? by Asish Barua

Climate Tribune  | November 2021 | COVER PHOTO: PHOTO: SYED ZAKIR HOSSAIN
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