In memory of Calestous Juma

By- Dr. Saleemul Huq

Calestous Juma(June 9,1953 to December 15,2017 ),Photo_Source:

Calestous Juma was an outstanding Kenyan, African and Global scientist and intellectual. His passing away leaves a major hole in our world. He and I started our intellectual journeys in different continents, he in Kenya in Africa and I in Bangladesh in Asia, at around the same time, but with remarkable commonness of purpose. He set up the African Centre for Technology and Studies (ACTS) based in Nairobi and I set up the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) based in Dhaka around the same time in the mid eighties. We only first met each other a few years later but immediately found that we were kindred souls and we have been close friends ever since, despite meeting only infrequently.

I pray to the almighty to grant eternal peace to his departed soul and patience and strength to his family and close friends .
I am sharing an article on both of us by Ehsan Mahmood published in Nature many years ago :

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