Tag: Loss and Damage

  • Remembering and honoring a champion of loss and damageSaleemul Huq devoted his life’s work to advocating the world’s most climate-vulnerable communities

    Remembering and honoring a champion of loss and damage

    Saleemul Huq devoted his life’s work to advocating the world’s most climate-vulnerable communities

    Saleemul Huq, an expert in the field of climate change, environment and development, devoted his life’s work to advocating the world’s most climate-vulnerable communities. While he did not live to see his work come to fruition last year at COP28, his legacy will live on in the breakthrough progress and momentum made on Loss and…

  • Call for application for VFL Bangladesh

    Call for application for VFL Bangladesh

    We are excited to announce a unique opportunity for storytellers and advocates to participate in our upcoming project, “Voices from the Frontlines in Bangladesh.” As part of this initiative, we are seeking compelling narratives that shed light on the profound experiences of loss and damage caused by climate change in Bangladesh. Through this call for…

  • Climate Chronicles of the Manta Community: Life on the river, battling the water woes

    Climate Chronicles of the Manta Community: Life on the river, battling the water woes

    “We are born on this boat [and] we live on the boat. This is our home … without our boat wewould have no means to eat. If we did not have our boats, we would just die.[i]– Member of the Manta Community“ The impacts of climate change have internally displaced more than 30 million people…

  • Valuing a values-based approach for assessing loss and damage

    Valuing a values-based approach for assessing loss and damage

    Anthropogenic climate change is causing widespread losses and damages to what people value. To date, non-economic loss and damage assessments are commonly guided by predefined ‘types’ of non-economic losses, similar to those proposed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Instead, we draw from studies conducted in Bangladesh and Fiji to emphasize the…

  • Strengthening Loss and Damage Narrative: Building cohesive voices with policymakers and civil society in Bangladesh

    Strengthening Loss and Damage Narrative: Building cohesive voices with policymakers and civil society in Bangladesh

    Bangladesh has been striving for years to shift its narrative from being climate vulnerability to resilience. Over the years, it has managed to build itself as one of the climate-resilient countries, despite the geographical vulnerability, through building efficient early warning systems, community-led disaster management, and women’s leadership in resilience efforts. However, communities in Bangladesh continue…

  • LOSS AND DAMAGE | A Critical Perspective on Non Economic Loss and Damage

    LOSS AND DAMAGE | A Critical Perspective on Non Economic Loss and Damage

    In June this year, we published the working paper centering local values in assessing and addressing climate-related losses and damages. The report includes a critical analysis of ‘non-economic’ loss and damage research. We mentioned how these studies assessing or conceptualising ‘non-economic’ losses and damages – which are highly culturally- and context-dependant and mostly occur in…

  • VANUATU AND BEYOND | Loss & Damage Costs are Exploding and the Politics are too: Vanuatu’s island solutions at the UNFCCC and beyond

    VANUATU AND BEYOND | Loss & Damage Costs are Exploding and the Politics are too: Vanuatu’s island solutions at the UNFCCC and beyond

    Back in the early 1990’s the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu, a founding member of the Alliance of Small Island States AOSIS, called on what would become the United Framework Convention on Climate Change: “help us pay for addressing the impacts from sea level rise.” Essentially, the first global call for finance to address loss…

  • FINANCING | Making Loss and Damage Financing Gender Transformative

    FINANCING | Making Loss and Damage Financing Gender Transformative

    Learnings from past efforts of climate and development financing “Those who are most affected by climate change today – women, girls and marginalised communities – must be involved in the design and implementation of climate response actions to ensure the equal sharing of benefits.” – UN Women, 2022 Why are gender issues important to be…

  • VULNERABILITY INDEX | More than a number: Why addressing loss and damage must go beyond a vulnerability index?

    VULNERABILITY INDEX | More than a number: Why addressing loss and damage must go beyond a vulnerability index?

    The most salient signal of progress from COP27 was the decision to establish a new fund and funding arrangements for loss and damage, something sought by climate-vulnerable countries over 30 years ago. While the terms of how this fund will work have yet to be resolved this year at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates,…

  • ADAPTATION | The Nexus between Adaptation and Loss & Damage: Navigating the Climate Crisis

    ADAPTATION | The Nexus between Adaptation and Loss & Damage: Navigating the Climate Crisis

    Globally, people are disproportionately affected by climate change consistently and are enforced to adapt, with or without external assistance. Nonetheless, the current mitigation and adaptation efforts have been deemed insufficient to resist losses and damages (L&D), particularly in vulnerable countries from the Global South. It is also reported that vulnerable countries have gone beyond their…

  • Climate Tribune | October 2023

    Climate Tribune | October 2023

    Climate Tribune | October 2023 Articles in the series FOREWORD ADAPTATION VULNERABILITY INDEX FINANCING VANUATU AND BEYOND LOSS AND DAMAGE PARTNERSHIPS NATIONAL AND LOCAL STORIES [one_half_last][btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/CT_October-2023-2_compressed.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#3f9e0c” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″] Download PDF[/btn] [/one_half_last]

  • Climate-induced Displacement: Loss and Damage in Bangladesh

    Climate-induced Displacement: Loss and Damage in Bangladesh

    As climate change exacerbates displacement and loss in Bangladesh, Saleemul Huq and Lutfor Rahman call for a collaborative global effort to address loss and damage funding. The upcoming COP28 in Dubai may be a game changer. The world has entered a new era of climate change reality. It is not a theoretical concept or a…