Home Training/Workshop BBC Media Action: Training Workshop

BBC Media Action: Training Workshop

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The International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) organized a three day workshop on 19-21 July 2014 focusing on the theme of “Climate Change and Disasters”. The training was organized for the crew of BBC Media Action’s TV Show “Amrai Pari”. The purpose of the training workshop was to enhance participants’ understanding on the basics of climate change, disaster management and national and international climate change politics. As professionals of media and communication for BBC Media Action, the participants were familiar with climate change yet wished to expand their depth of understanding of the complexity of the issue.
The training was given by experts in the fields of climate science, disasters and climate change politics. These experts facilitated interactive sessions, using real life examples and case studies. They used videos, photographs, infographics and various technical games and quizzes in the sessions.
The main objective of this training workshop was to help the organization understand the issues around climate change and disasters, to enable participants to develop good concepts for “Amrai Pari”, to understand local level problems and to identify best practice as well as malpractice.
Dr. Saleemul Huq from ICCCAD, Dr. Abdul Quyyum from CDMP, Dr. Munzurul Hannan Khan from University of Manitoba also facilitated the training workshop.

Written by: Galib Chowdhury, Project Officer – Climate Change Governance, ICCCAD August Newsletter 2014
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