Category: Seminar Series
Bangladesh’s journey towards tackling poverty and climate change
Sussex Development Lectures Bangladesh’s journey towards tackling poverty and climate change 21 March 201917:00–18:30 IDS, Convening SpaceInstitute of Development Studies University of Sussex Library Road Brighton BN1 9RE Bangladesh has been well known as both a poor as well as climate vulnerable country for several decades. However the country is now well on the path…
The state of development and tackling climate change in Bangladesh
Dr. Saleemul Huq, Director of ICCCAD Delivered his speech at Climate Change And Development Seminar Series hosted by the Institute for Development Studies (IDS) at Sussex University, UK . The Seminar is held on Monday 16 April 13.00 – 14.30 at IDS, Room 221. Here is the Recorded video link of this Seminar
Communicating Your Research to a Mass Audience
Everyone working in climate change should be a communicator for the cause.Academics writing for journals know that purpose, audience and format are key features of effective communication. What about writing for a mass audience? Communicating your research to a mass audience inevitably creates more impact for your work, since your findings reach more people. Academic…