Home Dhaka Tribune Articles Climate Tribune Climate Tribune | December 2023

Climate Tribune | December 2023

31 second read

Climate Tribune | December 2023

Articles in the series

  1. ‘Loss and damage talk around the halls at COP28’ by Nusrat Naushin and Chowdhury Abrar Zahin
  2. ‘Reflections on GGA from COP28’ by Savio Rousseau Rozario
  3. ‘The unaccomplished agenda of climate finance at COP28 in Dubai’ by Afsara Binte Mirza and Towrin Zaman Raya
  4. ‘Beyond Borders: An Indigenous Youth’s Reflection on COP28’ by Shimi Chak
  5. ‘The evolution of gender consideration at Conference of Parties’ by Sumaiya Binte Selim
  6. ‘From Mehendiganj to COP 28: A Bangladeshi Youth’s Journey to Advocate for Climate Action at the Global Stage’ by Md Al-Mamun Rakib
Climate Tribune | December 2023 | Design : Alamgir Hossain
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